Stage & Screen

Image of Todd Long as Detective Frank Clarkson in the film Another Lost GirlImage of Todd Long as Detective Frank Clarkson in the film Another Lost Girl

Detective Clarkson in Another Lost Girl

The Skinny

My first career was in show business as an actor, director, and rock musician. After a journey in professional philosophy, which I still do and love, my talented daughter (Sophie Rhiannon Long) pulled me back to acting. We've worked on several projects together, including Willy Wonka: The Musical, Trusting Chloe, a 17-time award-winning movie we co-wrote and perform in together, and Turkey Boy. My recent performances include Scrooge in Turkey Boy (Exit Pursued By A Bear), Roland in Constellations (SLO REP), Al in The Baby Dance (Players West), John D'Agata in The Lifespan of a Fact (Santa Maria Civic Theatre), Dave in Clinched (YouTube), & Detective Clarkson in Another Lost Girl (YouTube).

I was fortunate be trained by Barbara Sizemore (Warren Central High School), Denise Halbach (Hinds Community College), and Larry Mullican, Bob Funk, Blaine Quarnstrom, and R.B. Hill (University of Southern Mississippi), as well as many wonderful directors and actors I've worked with over the years who've taught by example.


As Billy Rome in Trusting Chloe, now streaming on Vimeo On Demand

Image of advertisment for the movie Trusting Chloe now streaming on Vimeo on DemandImage of advertisment for the movie Trusting Chloe now streaming on Vimeo on Demand
image of poster for the play Turkey Boy
image of poster for the play Turkey Boy

I play Scrooge in this hilarious send up of community theater and A Christmas Carol

WARNING: includes offensive language

Trusting Chloe

Monkeysweat Productions presents Trusting Chloe, a comedy short (38:07) produced, directed, and co-written by Todd Long. Featuring Natalia Noriega, Todd Long, Sophie Rhiannon Long, Phineas Peters, Karen 'Kaz' Kahn, and Gregg Wolff, Trusting Chloe has been officially selected and screened at multiple film festivals, winning 17 awards and nominated for 3 others at festivals and film competitions.

Billy Rome, a middle-age rock star, and Esperanza, his ardent Latina wife, learn the hard way how to manage a teen daughter and their wacky love life in a comedy set on California's central coast.

See the trailer, meet the actors & crew, and find out how Trusting Chloe came to life.

Movie poster of the movie Trusting Chloe
Movie poster of the movie Trusting Chloe
logo for monkeysweat productionslogo for monkeysweat productions

Rent or buy Trusting Chloe, and view the trailer, blooper reel, and a deleted scene.

Press & Media

IndieEye Film Awards Review of Trusting Chloe (YouTube)

Cambria Film Festival Filmmaker Talk (Vimeo)

Image of Alan Fraser with Todd Long, Natalia Noriega, and Sophie Rhiannon LongImage of Alan Fraser with Todd Long, Natalia Noriega, and Sophie Rhiannon Long

Spotlight Film Awards
2021 Award-Winning Filmmakers in the Spotlight

Image of Spotlight Film Awards that links to a spotlight on Todd LongImage of Spotlight Film Awards that links to a spotlight on Todd Long
Image of Todd Long that links to a spotlight on Todd Long from Spotlight Film AwardsImage of Todd Long that links to a spotlight on Todd Long from Spotlight Film Awards
Dave Congalton Interview (KVEC)
Radio interview with Todd Long and Randi Barros, April 2023
Image of Dave Congalton, Todd Long, and Randi Barros with link to Congalton's interview of Todd Long and Randi BarrosImage of Dave Congalton, Todd Long, and Randi Barros with link to Congalton's interview of Todd Long and Randi Barros

Film Awards

Best Actor Feature Film, Stockholm City Film Festival (December 2021)
Best Ensemble Cast - Short Film or Webisode, Silicon Beach Film Festival (October 2021)
Best First-Time Director, Naples Film Awards (May 2021)
Best Comedy, Paris Film Festival (April 2021)
Best Comedy Film, Sweden Film Awards (September 2021)
Best Feature Film, Stockholm City Film Festival (December 2021)
Best Web Series, IndieEye Film Awards (March 2021)
Web Series of the Year, IndieEye Film Awards (2021)
Silver Award: Web/TV Pilot, Hollywood Gold Awards (March 2021)
Award of Special Mention: TV-Pilot Program, Best Shorts Competition (June 2021)
Silver Award: Comedy Short, Spotlight Film Awards (2021)
Nominee: Best Comedy (Long Short), AltFF Alternative Film Festival (Fall 2021)

A list of all 17 film awards for Trusting Chloe is available on the official Trusting Chloe website.

For work as an actor & director on Trusting Chloe:


Small headshot of Todd LongSmall headshot of Todd Long


Image of IMDb Pro card of Todd Long mentioning 11 film awards, 3 nominations, & 2 additional awardsImage of IMDb Pro card of Todd Long mentioning 11 film awards, 3 nominations, & 2 additional awards
Image of Todd Long as Uncle Joe in Willy Wonka: The Musical
Image of Todd Long as Uncle Joe in Willy Wonka: The Musical

Performance Pictures

Image of Todd Long as Dave in the movie Clinched.
Image of Todd Long as Dave in the movie Clinched.
Image of Todd Long as King Arthur in Camelot
Image of Todd Long as King Arthur in Camelot

Uncle Joe in Willy Wonka: The Musical

King Arthur in Camelot

Dave in Clinched

Image of Todd Long as Scapin in That Scoundrel Scapin
Image of Todd Long as Scapin in That Scoundrel Scapin

Scapin in That Scoundrel Scapin w/ Joel McCrary

Image of Todd Long as Mr. DePinna in You Can't Take it With You
Image of Todd Long as Mr. DePinna in You Can't Take it With You

Mr. DePinna in You Can't Take it With You

Imag eof Todd Long as Billy Rome in Trusting Chloe
Imag eof Todd Long as Billy Rome in Trusting Chloe
Image of Todd Long as Roy in Lone Star (1959 Pink Thunderbird)
Image of Todd Long as Roy in Lone Star (1959 Pink Thunderbird)

Roy in Lone Star (1959 Pink Thunderbird) w/ Bobby King

Billy Rome in Trusting Chloe

Image of Todd Long as Henry Lyppiatt in Present Laugter
Image of Todd Long as Henry Lyppiatt in Present Laugter

Henry Lyppiatt in Present Laughter

Image of Todd Long as John D'Agata in The Lifespan of a Fact
Image of Todd Long as John D'Agata in The Lifespan of a Fact

John D'Agata in The Lifespan of a Fact

Image of Todd Long as Scapin in That Scoundrel Scapin
Image of Todd Long as Scapin in That Scoundrel Scapin

King Arthur in Camelot

Image of Todd Long as Newt Blaylock in The Red Velvet Cake War
Image of Todd Long as Newt Blaylock in The Red Velvet Cake War

Newt Blaylock in The Red Velvet Cake War

Image of Todd Long as King Arthur in Camelot
Image of Todd Long as King Arthur in Camelot

Scapin in That Scoundrel Scapin

Image of Todd Long as Hector in Deaths We Don't Sing About
Image of Todd Long as Hector in Deaths We Don't Sing About

Hector in Deaths We Don't Sing About

Image of Todd Long as Professor Harstein in the film The Watchman: Vigilius Hafniensis
Image of Todd Long as Professor Harstein in the film The Watchman: Vigilius Hafniensis

Professor Harstein in The Watchman: Vigilius Hafniensis

Image of Todd Long as Herr Shultz in Caberet
Image of Todd Long as Herr Shultz in Caberet

Herr Schultz in Cabaret

Image of Todd Long as Roland and Kerry Dimaggio as Marianne in Constellations at SLO REP
Image of Todd Long as Roland and Kerry Dimaggio as Marianne in Constellations at SLO REP

Roland in Constellations (SLO REP)

Detective Frank Clarkson in Another Lost Girl

Image of Todd Long as Detective Clarkson in the movie Another Lost Girl
Image of Todd Long as Detective Clarkson in the movie Another Lost Girl
Image of Todd Long as Dave in the movie ClinchedImage of Todd Long as Dave in the movie Clinched

Dave in Clinched

Image of Todd Long as Al in The Baby Dance (photo by Tracy Waitkus)
Image of Todd Long as Al in The Baby Dance (photo by Tracy Waitkus)
Image of Brianna Deveraux-Allen and Todd Long in The Baby Dance (photo by Tracy Waitkus)
Image of Brianna Deveraux-Allen and Todd Long in The Baby Dance (photo by Tracy Waitkus)

Al in The Baby Dance (photo by Tracy Waitkus)

Al in The Baby Dance w/ Brianna Deveraux-Allen (photo by Tracy Waitkus)

Todd Long as John D'Agata with Jude Walker as Jim Fingal in The Lifespan of a Fact
Todd Long as John D'Agata with Jude Walker as Jim Fingal in The Lifespan of a Fact

John D'Agata in The Lifespan of a Fact w/ Jude Walker

image of Todd Long as Lucifer in Wich of Ye Wode
image of Todd Long as Lucifer in Wich of Ye Wode

Lucifer in Wich of Ye Wode w/ Jill Turnbow